
PROJECTS – oncology

In 2016 „Sve pet” marketing and PR agency was leading PR activities about marking the World cancer day in Croatia – 4th February.
Agency initiative: adaptation of world campaign which will be taking place as a national public health campaign on two different levels:

  • digital campaign on social media networks and official campaign website
  • Public events at state, health and academic institutions in four largest regional centres

The initiative was accepted by the:

  • “Coalition of Association in Health Care„ (KUZ)– organizer of the WCD campaign 2016
  • Association „SVE za NJU!” / Croatian Medical Student’s International Committee – CROMSIC
  • Project partner „Croatian Post”
  • Roche – company which globally and locally supports programs of national interest

Campaign goals:

  • Raise awareness about the importance of the National cancer control plan.
  • Raise awareness about comprehensive approach to patients and innovative treatments.


  • Defining adaptation and use conditions from WCD – initiative UICC
    Concept Project creation, communication with potential partners in project
  • Participants mapping, Defining communication activities
    Creation and defining slogans and messages adjusted to the situation in Croatia
  • Campaign visuals adaptation, production (memos, panels, posters, cupons, telops, hands…)
  • Website creation, set up and creation of Facebook page, Instagram page, #MiMožemoJaMogu, (#WeCanICan) activation
  • Themed E-postcard
  • Invitations and press releases arrangements and creation, communication with media
  • Press conference organization
  • Professional themed conference organization
  • Inclusion in public events

2. Annual award of Croatian Public Relations Association (HUOJ) for 2017

Campaign Mi možemo. Ja mogu. selected in three best campaigns in the category of the best global campaign adaptation in 2016.